The city’s name has its origins in the neighboring town of Lentini. In 16th century, Vice-King Giovanni De Vega founded a new city in honour of Habsburg Emperor Karlo V, naming it in Latin Carleontini, or Leontini of Carlo. In Italian, it became Carlentini, and in the various Sicilian dialects, Carrintini or Carruntini.

They say in Sicily, you can recognise the flavour of the city by its bar. So my first decision was to get some food. Immediately 10 nonnas from the balcony observed my moves. In the bar, every single nonno had to mention me some problem. I decided to sit down, but a lady came out of toilet, I guess, and started to loudly explain to me that she was sitting here first and that this is her usual place to sit. I moved to another table, closer to the pizza oven.

Among the churches in town are:

Chiesa Madre dedicated to the Immacolata Concezione. I haven’t manage to enter but as soon as I go back, I will update the post. Pinky swear!

Parrocchia Cuore Immacolato di Maria e Sant’Anna – is a bit odd church built in a modern post-World war ll style. Nevertheless, it is interesting to visit and to observe the locals.

Fort the rest of the day, it is good to wander around. The city center used to be a castle so it’s very peculiar to analyse the streets style and shapes.

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